Her Doctrine and Morals

Trinity Sunday

26 May 2024


The Sunday


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The Sunday Sermon Archive

Dear Friends,

Jesus has laid a heavy burden upon the Apostles and their successors in the Church — "… teach all nations; baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." As Jesus was hated and persecuted for teaching men what to do and how to live, so the hierarchy in the Church must be prepared to follow Jesus in opposition to the ways of the world.

To prevent us from becoming overwhelmed by this task, Jesus continued, "… behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." In receiving the Holy Ghost on Pentecost Sunday, we receive the Divine Trinity — the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are One God. Jesus is always spiritually present with us because He is God. Jesus physically remains with us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Eucharist.

Saint John Chrysostom says: "And because He had imposed a great task upon them, to raise their spirits, He says: And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world; as though to say: Do not say that the task laid on you is difficult, for I Who can make all things light am with you. He did not say that He would be with these alone, but with all who believe after them; for the Apostles were not to live until the consummation of the world; but He is speaking to all who shall believe, as though to one body."

The Catechism tells us that the True Church must have four marks: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. God is One; His Church is One. God, because He is God, is unchanging. He is the same forever. Truth is the truth forever and is unchanging. The Church is one with God; Jesus is present within her. Her doctrines are not Her's but rather God's teachings. They are authentic and unchanging.

Those who try to change the teachings of the Church try to change the teachings of Jesus. Essentially, they create a false Jesus (idolatry). Those who change the teachings of the True Church create a false Church. The false Jesuses and the false churches present false doctrines that accommodate our fallen natures. The unchanging message of Jesus and the Church is that we must sanctify ourselves and our physical world through self-denial, sacrifice, and the cross. Only in this way can we lead everyone to Jesus.

A life here on earth without self-denial and sacrifice is not truly living. The more we seek physical pleasure and comfort in this life, the less real joy and comfort we have. Such a life only prepares us for eternal pain and suffering.

The life lived imitating Jesus through self-denial, and sacrifice looks very unpleasant to the world but brings peace and joy to our hearts. While we willingly sacrifice ourselves here on earth, we gain mastery over ourselves, bringing peace, calm, and happiness to our hearts. But even more than this, it brings eternal life, peace, and joy with God in Heaven.

While Jesus promises to remain with us until the end of time, we should understand that He is spiritually with us in this life in a hidden manner. He is likewise physically present, hidden in the Holy Eucharist. Those who remain with Jesus and His True Church in this life will continue with Him forever in eternity. Jesus shows us that He lives forever and will never abandon those who believe in Him.

Saint John Chrysostom says: "He places before them the end of the world, that He may draw them onwards, and lest they too should look only to the things of the present, and not rather towards the good things to come, which shall last without end. As though to say: The afflictions you will endure will pass with this present life since the whole world will come to a consummation. But the good things which you shall enjoy will be without end."

The glory of Jesus Christ awaits us in Heaven, but to attain that glory, we must believe and follow Jesus in the One true religion (faith) that He has given us. Our goal is to cling to Jesus Christ by following His life and teachings. We must strive to deny ourselves daily and take up our cross to follow Him. Only in this manner will we find Him or remain with Him in this life. Only in being with Him when we leave this world will we find ourselves with Him, The Father, and The Holy Ghost eternally in Heaven.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!

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